
Self Care Worksheets by a Licensed Therapist – Digital Download | Printable (PDF)

Self-care is the process of caring for one’s health and well-being through deliberate action. Far from an automatic or accidental process, self-care requires dedication and planning. While the term “self-care” is a relatively new addition to our every-day lexicon, the idea has been with us for millennia. Self care worksheets can help you with implementing self care.

Download our Self Care Worksheets

Socrates, the ancient Greek philosopher credited as the founder of Western philosophy, reportedly spoke these words on his deathbed:

O my friend, why do you who are a citizen of the great and mighty and wise city of Athens, care so much about laying up the greatest amount of money and honor and reputation, and so little about wisdom and truth and the greatest improvement of the soul…?

Socrates, in Plato’s Apology, translated by Benjamin Jowett

This appeal to the eschewing external measures of success in favor of self-improvement remains the essence of self-care today. Research indicates that successful self-care depends on three factors: self-awareness, self-control, and self-reliance.

9 dimensions of self-care and wellness included in this worksheet bundle

  1. Emotional self-care includes understanding and respecting your emotions, appreciating and respecting the emotions of others, and believing that you have the tools and abilities needed to create positive emotions and manage negative ones.
  2. Social/Relationships self-care includes maintaining, caring about, and enjoying relationships (such as romantic, friendly, and/or familial). This also includes about feeling like you are part of a broader community.
  3. Spiritual self-care includes finding meaning and value in life, with our without the support of or affiliation with organized religion.
  4. Creative self-care is about taking the time to enjoy culture, art, and expression of your identity.
  5. Intellectual self-care includes feeling feeling mentally engaged and intellectually challenged in your life.
  6. Vocational self-care includes believing your work (including your unique talents, interests, and contributions) provided both personal satisfaction and a degree of external validation.
  7. Financial self-care involves taking responsibility for your financial decisions, living within your means, and working towards realistic short and long-term financial goals in pursuit of financial stability and comfort.
  8. Environmental self-care includes understanding how your environment shapes your well-being, and also includes caring about the earth, the space around you (including your home), and feeling safe in your environment.
  9. Physical self-care includes exercise, sleep, diet, and water intake. It also includes a commitment to maintenance of health through regular check-ups.

Good self-care is important

Self-care can mean different things to different people. But, however you define it, one thing is clear, self-care is important for well-being. Some of the benefits of practicing good self-care include:

  • Reduced stress
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Improved mental health
  • Better relationships
  • Improved physical health

Using these self-care worksheets can help you to reap these benefits.

A look at what’s included:

These self-care worksheets are designed to help with self-care planning by supporting the development of these factors. Drawing on the 9 dimensions of wellness, this worksheet bundle, by licensed therapist John Mathews, LCSW includes 15+ tools over more than 50 pages, including examples, that are intended to provide clear exercises and instruction for self-care.

Download our Self Care Worksheets

This Self-Care Worksheets Bundle Includes:

  1. Wellness Wheel Worksheet
  2. Wellness Questionnaire
  3. 30-Day Self-Care Challenge
  4. Eisenhower Matrix Template
  5. Self-Care Checklist
  6. All About Me Worksheet
  7. 30-Day Gratitude Challenge
  8. SMART Goals Worksheet
  9. Wellness Tracker
  10. Mood Tracker
  11. Emotions Wheel
  12. Gratitude Jar
  13. Gratitude Journal
  14. Affirmation Cards
  15. Habit Tracker
  16. Sleep Tracker
  17. Monthly Planners
    And more…

Plus 5+ Bonus Therapy Worksheets

  1. Challenging Cognitive Distortions
  2. List of Cognitive Distortions
  3. CBT Triangle Worksheet
  4. REBT ABC Model Worksheet
  5. CBT Thought Record
  6. Break Bad Habits with Classical Conditioning

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