Three Easy Gratitude Exercises . . . And One Hard One

Three Easy Gratitude Exercises . . . And One Hard One

Gratitude is the feeling appreciation for someone or something. When we feel gratitude, we recognizing the good in the world that exists outside of ourselves. This article contains four gratitude exercises that are designed to cultivate gratitude in our daily lives. When we express gratitude, we may think the recipient our gratitude to be the…

Mindfulness Meditation: Choosing Which Train of Thought to Take

Mindfulness Meditation: Choosing Which Train of Thought to Take

Mindfulness meditation is the practice of focusing your attention to a neutral source, such as your breath, and then refocusing that attention when your mind inevitably wanders. It’s a simple concept, but it can be a frustrating experience if you don’t know what to expect. In this article, I’ll explain the way I teach mindfulness…

Feeling Bad? In Moderation, That Can Be Surprisingly Good
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Feeling Bad? In Moderation, That Can Be Surprisingly Good

Feeling bad sometimes is a normal part of life, and is something we all experience. Who hasn’t, at some point, pleaded to their cosmic force of choice, “Why can’t I just be happy?!” But it is important to embrace feeling bad. This doesn’t mean that clinical depression is okay. Rather, run-of-the-mill bad feelings have their…

Wabi Sabi: The Simple Beauty of Serene Melancholy

Wabi Sabi: The Simple Beauty of Serene Melancholy

Wabi sabi is a Japanese worldview based on the first of the Buddhist Three Marks of Existence: all things are impermanent. Wabi sabi is a notoriously difficult concept to grasp, and is said to have no exact English equivalent. For that matter, a perfect definition might be antithetical to the concept itself. But we can get pretty close to a…